sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Neuromarketing = Targetmarketing

   Is there anybody that knows in a 100% what he/she wants all the time in all the aspects of his/her life?
Since life by nature is complex due to the infinite number of aspects the human being has to face, indecisiveness is much more common in people than what it seems to be. Actually it’s something natural! But what matters the most is the fact that indecisiveness becomes as an immediate bandage that blinds people from recognizing what they like and therefore what they want. These are the reasons why surveys (the main source of data for marketers) could turn on non-reliable sources. People become conscious of what is being asked to them and why, and it takes away the spontaneity and naturalness (the diamond of surveys) of the studied people.

    Neuromarketing, as a research discipline that scans the brain of people (through different types of body reactions), helps not only companies to sell their products but also customers to get what they really want but weren’t able to discover by themselves. In that way, everybody wins since we target what is really needed and wanted. According to Martin Lindstrom Martin Lindstrom - Buyology a 90% of human behaviour is unconscious, which explains why people may not discover their preferences clearly, and the nowadays Neuromarketing is trying to help us to do it, not only based on marketing but also supported by scientists and specialists in neurology.

    Therefore, in a nearer future consumers and customers will be able to enjoy better products and services thanks to these new techniques of marketing (obviously when used for better product development in order to give better added value to customers). Neuromarketing may also be used to trick customers, but that’s the nature of every good invention such as the internet, TV, weapons, etc.; they all were initially created for good purposes but their used has been negatively modified over time. However, I prefer to take the positive and productive part of this intelligent tool.

1 comentario:

  1. Nacho I really agree on your point of view on neuromarketing.I have found that some people feel it represents an invasion of privacy. However, I find it to be an excellent tool for companies to find out what is it that consumers really want or need, specially because sometimes, us consumers don't even know what is it that we want. I think it is also very important your point that classic marketing research can be biased sometimes. Also, if it will allow companies to communicate efficiently with us.. all I can say is : let neuromarketing do it's thing!
